Resources for UX Designers
Years ago, I myself was a freelance UX designer. And my first forays into UI design were full of pain and suffering. I'm happy to recommend some resources I think would be particularly useful for you.
- 7 Rules for Creating Gorgeous UI. The mega-viral 5,000-word beast of a post on the most useful lessons in visual design that I know. This is the post I wish I had when I started 😅
- Color in UI Design: A Practical Framework. Ever notice a color is always 3 numbers? – RGB, CMY, HSL, etc. Well, anything made of numbers can be analyzed. And that’s exactly what we do in this post: break down color (from a practical perspective) like NERDS.
- Interactive Typography Tutorial. This is my gamified guide to typography skills (choosing fonts, styling text). Jakob Nielsen called it "practical… effective" – and I’ll leave it at that 😎